CoenRich Q10


光拡散×高撥水×UVカット 何度も塗りなおさなくても効果が持続※1!手あれを防いでキレイに魅せる ライトアップハンドクリーム

COエンリッチ ザ プレミアム ライトアップ モイストガード ハンドクリーム

1. 何度も繰り返すつらいヒビ・あかぎれ対策!手あれの悪循環を速攻リペア

Covers dullness, fine lines, and uneven skintone on the hands*2. Instantly brightens and corrects rough, dull hands for smooth hands with clear skin. Highly water-repellent, it remains effective without need for constant reapplication every time you wash your hands or use hand sanitizer.

くすみ・小ジワカバー 真珠パウダー・ピンクパール

2. UVカット効果で日やけによるシミ・ソバカスを防ぐ

Prevents “careless sunburn” that often occurs to the hands, which are exposed to the sun, protecting them from UV damage.

ビタミンC誘導体(製品の抗酸化剤)配合 SPF26 PA++

3. 気になる手あれ対策に うるおいで満たしてなめらか手肌

A cream that blends well with the skin and does not feel sticky, allowing moisture to penetrate the skin. Prevents rough hands.

うるおいリペア※3・透明感 ツボクサエキス・ビタミンCPX・GL(保湿)/手肌年齢対策 コエンザイムQ10GL(保湿)/ネイルケア成分 パンテノール※4

- Hyaluronic acid - Collagen GL (moisturizing) - Paraben free

4. 幸福感で満たされる ピンクフローラルの香り

4. 幸福感で満たされる ピンクフローラルの香り

Recommended for:

  • Those who want to cover up lack of firmness and glow, as well as visible veins and fine lines on the skin
  • Those whose roughness and dullness* are worsening each year (*from dryness)
  • Those who tend to forget about reapplying hand products after washing hands or find reapplication troublesome
  • Those who want keep the hands looking bright and clear by preventing “careless sunburn”

*Images are for illustrative purposes only
*1 Water-repellent effect *2 From makeup effects *3 Hand care *4 Nail protection
Vitamin C derivative is magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, Vitamin Complex is tocopherol acetate/retinol palmitate, Coenzyme Q10 is ubiquinone, and GL is glycerin.